Post 5: My future job

Hello! Today I write about my future job.

When I think of the future, I believe that I would like to have a job associated with mi career  and with the childrens, because I like so much the interact with childrens... I don´t know why, but always I look at kids with a desire to approaching. 

Always I imagine my consultation of child psychology with many toys and with colorful walls, so that will a comfortable place for the kids. 

In addition. I want that my job to be good in a friendship atmosphere. And I would like have a flexible working-time, to have a morning turn because I would like to have the afternoon free for share with my family and with my future sons. Therewith I would like to have a good salary but not to be millionaire, but for live comfortably. 

Really I don´t imagine a job where I travel to different places, but likewise doesn´t sound bad jajaj... Rather I imagine work in a enclosed place like a medical center or social organization, but if possible ocasionally I could to make outdoor activities. 

At present I am study psychology, in 4th grade of the career. The next year I realice the practice and memory, or if that should happen jajaj... Maybe in the future I could to study a specialization in Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology. 


  1. I think a pleasant and entertaining environment is very important for children. It's good that you have those ideas for your future!

  2. I also think I would love a job where I had free afternoons, it would be ideal to do other activities such as sports or hobbies.

  3. I agree with what you say about the children! I would also like a job with children, I feel that the best place to work is a social organization focused on children and adolescents.

  4. I want to have a job with childrens too, we can work together when we finish the university jajajaj


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